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SPP-17 Lodgement Procedures

Version 3 - 07/08/2023

This guide is intended as general information only. If you are uncertain of your rights or interests, please seek professional legal advice. Landgate staff are not able to give legal advice or to draft your documents. Please read our Terms of Use above.

1. Manual Lodgement Procedure for Deposited Plans (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.1)

Manual lodgement of Deposited Plans is no longer acceptable. All Deposited Plans must now be lodged electronically. APX-06 provides guidelines on the preparation and lodgement of electronic plans.

2. Readiness to Proceed1

The Readiness to Proceed process allows earlier lodgement of registration documents. The process will:

  • assign a High Priority to the Plan examination.
  • allows the documentation to maintain its lodgement priority and move up the examination queue while the plan is being examined.
  • facilitates earlier issue of new titles.

'Readiness to Proceed’ is part of Landgate’s commitment to improve the supply and availability of land to market.  It is intended to align Landgate with other agencies, utilities and stakeholders with regard to the registration of new lots.  Using the Readiness to Proceed process to lodge a Plan ensures Certificates of Title will be issued as close as possible to the WAPC endorsement date for the plan of subdivision.

This process is voluntary and is intended as an alternative method for parties to lodge Plans and documents; it does not replace the standard lodgement process.

2.1. Readiness to Proceed Business Process

To be eligible for this process, all registration documents must be lodged prior to the Plan being placed ‘In Order for Dealings’. 

2.2. Readiness to Proceed Rules

2.2.1. Lodgement of Plans

  • Within NLR, 'Readiness to Proceed’ must be ticked and the document number included. A high plan examination priority can only be issued once a valid application document number has been submitted through the NLR-Plan Surveyor Portal.

Example of readiness to proceed

2.2.2. Lodgement of Registration Documents

  • lf required registration documents, including the Application for New Titles, to complete the issue of titles by the Registrar must be lodged at Landgate prior to the Plan being placed In Order for Dealings. Documents can be lodged prior to Plan lodgement.
    • Note 1: changes to the plan may require changes to the documents, resulting in document requisition. Please take this into consideration if choosing to lodge documents prior to the plan.
    • Note 2: as per above ‘Lodgement of Plans’, the lodging surveyor must tick 'Readiness to Proceed’ on the NLR-Plan Surveyor Portal Lodge Plan Information screen and include the document number. A high plan examination priority can only be issued once a valid application document number has been submitted through NLR-Plan.
    A signed letter of acknowledgement for the document registration date must also be submitted by the lodging party. (See section 2.5 Change of Date Letter Template below.)

2.3. Costs

  • The normal lodgement fees for both Plans and registration documents will be applied.
  • Any Plan and registration document errors will be subject to the regulated requisition fees.

2.4. Subdivisional Plan– Readiness to Proceed Process

Readiness to proceed process

2.5. Change of Date Letter Template


Midland Square


I ……………………………………… am the (Solicitor/Settlement Agent) for the applicant. I have authority to make and to authorise on behalf of such persons the following amendment.

I acknowledge that the registration date for the documents necessary to issue Certificates of Title and any following documents for DP/SP ………………….. will be altered to concur with the yet to be established ‘In Order for Dealings’ date of the said Deposited Plan.







Lot Sync Process replaced by Readiness to Proceed

3. Electronic Lodgement of Deposited Plans (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.3)

ePlans prepared in accordance with the guidelines at APX-06 must be lodged in NLR-P.

4. Electronic Lodgement of Field records (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.4)

Surveyors must lodge field records at Landgate electronically in NLR-P in accordance with the guidelines at APX-06.

Surveyors are advised that Deposited Plans lodged with Landgate that require a field record will not be examined until the field record has also been lodged.  Plans without the necessary field record(s) will lose priority and be given a status of “Stopped”.

5. Two-year Certificate (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.5)

Where a Plan is not lodged within two years from the time of ground marking then a ‘Two Year Certificate’ is required (see regulation 53A of the Licensed Surveyors (General Surveying Practice) Regulations 1961) to certify that the survey has been inspected and that all marks have been verified.

The letter should be addressed to the Inspector of Plans and Surveys and accompany the Plan when it is lodged.

6. Countersigned Certificate (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.6)

Where a certifying surveyor is not eligible to verify Plans, the Plans must be countersigned by an ‘Eligible Surveyor’ before they can be lodged. The Certificate to be shown on the Plan is included at Plan Practices Section 12. See plan example 49.

7. Crown Survey/Drafting Contract (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.7)

The flowchart below (Figure 1) details the Crown Survey/Drafting contract process from the planning stage through the issue of the contract, lodgement, registration and the examination/validation process.

The survey/drafting contract is issued giving instructions as to the locality of, and the requirements for survey, as well as details for graphic presentation. Another form listing ‘Crown Drafting requirements’ and ‘Additional Notes’ is also provided with the instructions.

Surveyors are requested to notify the Central Issuing Office (Survey Coordination), Land Use Management, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, if they are unable to comply with the completion date shown on the Face Sheet.

A Plan Approval Requirements Sheet/Ministerial Order Sheet will be issued with each contract. This sheet will list consents required for the removal of constraints to Plan approval along with Ministerial Orders for the disposal of subject lands.

Any subsequent contact with Landgate, with regard to further direction for the survey or preparation of the graphic, should be the subject of the surveyor’s report, detailed on the Survey/Drafting Instructions.

Surveyors should address any land management issues affecting the survey and consult with Central Issuing Office (Survey Coordination), Land Use Management, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, if necessary.

Regional Manager

Responsible for land management issues, application approvals and survey recommendations

1. CENTRAL ISSUING OFFICE (CIO) - Survey Co-ordinator

  1. Ascertains client and Departmental requirements
  2. Researches survey requirements
  3. Lists graphic requirements
  4. Generic lot number 0 range allocated
  5. Ascertains legal constraints to plan approval
  6. Issues Survey/Drafting contract
  7. Updates PROMPT


  1. Effects survey and liaises to resolve any anomalies (including land management issues)
  2. Organises drafting whether “in house” or to private drafting firm
  3. Surveyor validates survey, graphic and digital data
  4. Surveyor signs certificate(s) on plan
  5. Field book, plan,record digital data, survey report form, Surveyor’s self-assessment lodgement form, survey information and account lodged with CIO, DPLH. Electronic field records (EFB) to be lodged directly with Landgate. See Appendix 6.

3. CENTRAL ISSUING OFFICE (CIO) - Survey Co-ordinator

  1. Ensures information received satisfies contract requirements
  2. Submits field record to Landgate for lodgement
  3. Validates and authorizes payment of account
  4. Updates PROMPT
  5. Pay lodgement fees
  6. Sends copy of lodgement receipt and clearances to WAPC.
  7. Forwards case for processing


  1. Authorises Plan lodgement and registration
  2. Examinations plan
  3. Validates Certification Requirements Sheet
  4. Requisition for errors (where necessary – plan stopped)
  5. Drafting amendments by contractor (when necessary)
  6. Plan certified ‘In order for dealings’

Figure 1: Crown Survey/Drafting Contract Process

8. Search Information (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.8)

A complete search for a Crown survey/drafting contract shall include the following:

  • Extract from Spatial Viewer and print of Public Plan if necessary;
  • All Survey Index Plans (including imperial Key Sheets if applicable);
  • All survey plans (including their Title Blocks) and relevant titles;
  • Field notes, and
  • Any other relevant data and its source e.g. Geographic Names.

Upon lodgement, the survey information must comprise a clearly indexed copy of the SIP along with sequential copies of Plans and field notes. This search is essential for the examination/validation process and poor quality information may be subject to a requisition. Survey information will be returned if requested.

9. Lodgement of Crown Plans (replaces SPPM Chapter 17.9)

On completion of a Crown survey/drafting contract, the surveyor (or agent) presents the following to the Survey Coordinator, CIO, State Land Services.

  • Field record (Electronic Field Records lodged directly with Landgate).
  • Survey Plan (ePlan for lodging at Landgate).
  • Digital Data - separate file for each Plan with the file name noted in pencil on the Plan, in CSD format on a CD-ROM.
  • Full search information.
  • Account or copy of account (as applicable).

The Survey Co-ordinator:

  • Assesses the returned information for compliance with contractual requirements
  • Verifies surveyor’s certification of the Plan and field record and Eligible Licensed Surveyor certification, if applicable.
  • Lodges the field book with Landgate.
  • Obtains CIO file.
  • Authorises payment of account.
  • Forwards the contract ‘case’ to Landgate for Plan lodgement and examination/validation. Pays plan lodgement fee.