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Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlements - Staged Subdivision By-laws e-form

Version 1 - 02/03/2022

The information provided in this guide is not intended to amount to legal advice. Professional assistance may be required to determine the most appropriate action to protect your legal rights. Please read our Terms of Use on the Strata Titles Policy and Procedure Guides web page. Landgate accepts no responsibility where parties print this guide and seek to rely on information that is out of date.

To create a Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlements (Staged Subdivision By-laws) e-form

1. Note: to use this eForm, the individual Schedule of Unit Entitlements must already have been created as eForms in your account.

2. A link to the e-form can be found on Landgate’s ‘Strata Forms’ webpage.
Or click here for direct link to the e-form dashboard.
Note: You will need to be logged in to your MyLandgate account.

3. Under the ‘New Form’ heading, select ‘Unit Entitlement’ and then the sub action ‘Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlements’, then ‘Create Form’. 4. Enter all the initial required form fields, selecting the checkbox if it is a registered scheme:

  • Scheme number (with “SP” prefix)
  • Select ’This is a registered scheme’ if the strata scheme is already registered. Or leave unticked if the scheme is not registered yet.
  • Scheme address
  • Relevant bylaw numbers.
  • Stage info.
  • Customer reference.

5. First Stage:

  • Where the scheme is yet to be registered (e.g. staged subdivision bylaws are being lodged with Stage 1), enter Stage “1” as the First Stage.
  • Where the scheme has already been registered, either enter stage “1”, or the stage that was registered immediately before the stage the subject of the Proposed Stages Subdivision By-Laws.

6. Total number of stages:

  • Enter the final stage number covered by the Proposed Staged Subdivision By-laws.

7. The eForm will automatically bring up all your previously prepared schedules for the relevant Strata plan. These will be pre-populated if the stage number was entered in the existing schedule. If the stage number was not entered, you must select the correct schedule form the dropdown menu.

8. Enter the valuer’s name. 9. ‘Save’ and ‘Print Form’.

  • ‘Save’ will save your completed form, while closing the form builder and returning you to the dashboard list. You can continue to edit the form by selecting the pencil icon which will open the form. The most recent form will be at the top of the list.
  • ‘Print Form’ will generate a PDF to be printed and wet signed for lodgement with the bylaw document. Print Form also saves the form.
  • Note: the form is not lodged as an eForm. A wet signed hard copy is lodged as per the existing Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlement form.

To edit an existing Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlements (Staged Subdivision By-laws) e-form

  1. Login and open Land Titling Forms as per 1-2 above.
  2. Use the Form history section to search and select an existing form.
  3. Edit form as per above 4-9.

For any enquiries, please contact